ムーンムーン・シン(Moon Moon Singh)氏インタビュー


(It is your second HKBP production after Mahabharata Chapter 2 (MB2) .Why did you joined MB2 production and how did you feel about it? )

ムーンムーン マハーバーラタは私が今までで最も楽しんで取り組んだと言える作品の一つです。というのも、異なる登場人物たちを一度に演じなければならないということや動きについて細かなスキルが必要とされ、本当に大きな学びと挑戦の機会でした。 私の師であり、演出家であり、友人であるシャンカル・ヴェンカテーシュワランが、デリーで行われたHKBPのマハーバーラタのオーディションに私を推薦してくれました。私はそこで小池さんと出会ったのです。
(Mahabharata was one of the best production I enjoyed working since each characters required meticulous skills for movement and amidst same time span we had to act different characters. This was indeed a great learning experience for me and also very challenging.My teacher/director/friend MR SANKAR VENKHTESWARAN had recommended my name for the auditions for Mahabharata HKBP where I met Koike san in Delhi.)


(You've learnt Bharatanatyam, Kathak, Ballet, Jazz dance, Rhythm and the fundamental skill of Body Movement at National School of Drama in New Delhi. After graduation, you participated in many movies and TV shows as one of the most outstanding actress and you even direct productions. What do you think makes Hiroshi Koike's production enchanting?)

ムーンムーン 博史さんはそれぞれの才能を測り、その力が一番ステージで生きるよう用いてくれるという素晴らしい感性を持っています。彼の軸や論理や、取り組みや方法論に対しては集中力や器用さ、なにより登場人物たちへの深い愛情が必要です。こういった経緯を経るからこそ、彼の作品には魂が込もっているのです。
(Hiroshi san has a great sense of gadging any person's talent and uses the best of his/her calibre on stage. His discipline, ethics, his working process and methodology requires focus, dexterity and deep love for the characters. This makes his production more soulful)


(Please tell us about your thought, hope or goal on/with your character and the whole production of 2030 World Drifting.)

ムーンムーン 役柄:私の役柄は、多くの人々に響くと強く思っています。というのも移民問題の影響を最も受けている階級の、もっとも絶望的な状況にある難民であるからです。
(Character: I believe this character can reach out to more people and since this has also been the most affected class in migration and the most desperate situations of refugees.
Contents: It has touched on very important issues that the world would be facing in the new future and we all must be aware of such deep secrets of our problems and the unfortunate conditions.
Performance: It would truly be a magical moment and a spectacular imagery to be a witness to every individual would be in awe of such beautiful movements with deep reality of emotions.)


【ムーンムーン・シン(Moon Moon Singh) プロフィール】

◆公演日程:2018年2月3日(土)~2月12日(月・祝) 全12公演